The Science Behind Explainer Videos: Why They Work So Well

We can all agree that getting and holding attention isn’t simple in today’s fast-paced digital world. That’s where explainer videos come into the equation. These powerful communicators are a potent mix of psychology, cognition, and creativity, allowing your message to be delivered swiftly and with plenty of impact. Hard-to-understand concepts will suddenly make total sense thanks to this helpful tool!

In this post, we are looking at how an explainer video works magic – manipulating science-fettered principles to deliver informative messages that leave an enduring impression. 

Why They work so well:

Attention Span

The seemingly endless scroll of social media posts comes to life as one vibrant explainer video stands out. Mesmerizing visuals and a crisp, gripping narrative instantly capture your eye – suddenly, it’s like nothing else matters but the message within this captivating video. That incisive story sticks with you within mere moments and leaves its mark.

Explainer videos are cut out for getting and holding attention in an information overload. These videos make sure the audience never dozes off by using engaging visuals, concise messaging, and a gripping narrative! Graphics go hand-in-hand with clarity to seal the deal; no wonder they’re so effective at captivating audiences.

Explainer videos, with their dynamic animations and creative storytelling, really ramp up audience engagement. Not only are they packed with sound (and accurate) information, but this bite-sized knowledge also sticks around in viewers’ minds long after the video has ended thanks to their captivating and memorability.

Visual communication

Visuals are one of the building blocks in human communication; explainer videos leverage them to spread complicated ideas impeccably. We humans intuitively ‘dig’ pictures more than words – speeding up and comprehending graphical information better – which is why explainer videos make such a powerful statement. After all, with intricate matters, less is often more!

Imagine the buzz around a tech startup launching an app that uses advanced AI — and instead of just giving us plain old’ text descriptions, they’ve gone all out with an explainer video. With vibrant graphics and animation to illustrate it in action, plus clever imagery representing complicated algorithms, this video will make quite the impression!

From the moment you witness this captivating experience, it’s no wonder why people gravitate toward understanding the app’s potential. It invites a connection that makes grasping its features look effortless.


Storytelling has existed for centuries, ingrained in our human experience and underlying how we make sense of life. So, when a renewable energy company wanted to highlight solar power’s fabulous features via an explainer video, they chose storytelling as their secret weapon – not just any run-of-the-mill presentation but a tailor-made narrative crafted with symbolism, irony, and even hints of foreshadowing. Now, that’s thinking outside the box!

The video introduces us to a family that’s up against it: sky-high energy costs and a planet under pressure. As they wend their way along the story of solar energy, we start to catch glimpses of its potential – and how impactful it could be for them. 

Alongside this narrative, facts are cleverly woven together with eye-catching visuals, creating an incredibly passionate connection between you –the viewer–and the characters in the story and what they learn along the way.

Information Retention

Maintaining what you retain is vital to getting the message across effectively, and explainer videos tap into how our brains process and remember info. Take, for example, a healthcare organization wanting to educate folks on the significance of regular exercise – they might use one such explainer video. 

It will be chock full of visuals depicting different activities, plus a crisp narrative detailing their advantages; there’ll also be text popping up here and there summarizing the more essential points.

You take it all in as a viewer – the visuals, narration, and text that appear on-screen. 

Your senses are buzzing at once, increasing your chance of remembering this crucial message about the advantages of getting active! Nothing gets past you!

Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics are essential clues that unmask how effective marketing campaigns are. Take, for example, a tech company launching a brand-new smartphone. Intending to test the waters with two different approaches, they ran one campaign relying on conventional text and another using an explainer video highlighting the phone’s features, user interface capability, and unique attributes. 

After evaluating both strategies in detail, it became evident that the explainer video captured onlookers’ attention far better than just plain text – resulting in a much higher click-through rate than their competitor while exhibiting more excellent conversion rates and social media shares added to its resounding success!

The massive gap between the engagement metrics shows how effective explainer videos are at grabbing and maintaining attention. The stats and examples back this up repeatedly, proving that these videos make a difference in engagement rates and getting people to take action.

Simplification of your messages

We’re living in a high-tech world, which can be daunting when breaking down the details of intricate products or services. Take, for instance, some revolutionary AI software developed by a startup – instead of overwhelming non-technical folks with lingo and spec sheets, and they whip up an explainer video that gives everyone a clear rundown of how this technology works. 

It boils down complicated processes into easily digestible bites so that even those who do not usually grasp ‘advanced tech’ concepts can comprehend what’s happening.

When it comes to complex topics, explainer videos are king at giving users the info they need succinctly and – and that goes a long way towards getting your message across effectively and widening your sphere of influence.

Cognitive Load Reduction

With complex, challenging concepts looming in education, explainer videos are a lifesaver. Think of an institution creating a video to simplify a scientific theory – an intricate yet visually appealing process that slows down the pace and delicately unravels the complicated details. 

By adding visuals and any animations that come along with it, just enough information is given so overload isn’t experienced by learners as they work through it all step-by-step. These surprisingly simple tools can make quite an impact: result? Easier absorption and retention of this knowledge! 

Explainer videos become almost strategically made – knowing the amount we tend to need versus what our mind’s capacity is truly capable of grasping – making for better comprehension…leading up to more innovative end results later on down the road!

Emotional Appeal

Explainer videos cleverly implement characters, storytelling techniques, and emotional nuances that stay with audiences long after viewing – nudging desired responses from potential supporters. After all, in terms of getting across critical concepts & inspiring behaviors? A passionate approach works wonders!

Charitable organizations rely heavily on tugging heartstrings to rally folks behind their cause. Picture a PSA for an NGO looking to supply clean drinking water in impoverished areas. The explainer clip features real-life tales of those impacted without access to fresh H2O, backed up by an affecting soundtrack. 

This combo of tear-jerking narratives, relatable protagonists, and soaring music stirs up strong feelings in viewers – spurring sympathy and persuading them to think about donating the dough for such a worthwhile mission. 

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, explainer videos hit the mark thanks to their savvy use of cognitive science and psychology. Visuals and audio that are focused, along with persuasive storytelling and situations familiar to viewers, make for some hard-hitting videos. It’s all about leveraging those tried-and-true principles to craft compelling content that genuinely moves audiences.

Powerful Animations Staff
Powerful Animations Staff


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